Apex Tool Group - 27-840

KEY Part #: K6368163

[441PC Stock]

    Nimewo Pati:
    Apex Tool Group
    Detaye deskripsyon:
    WR ANG OE 1-1/4 1560D.
    Manufacturer's standard lead time:
    Nan stok
    Lavi etajè:
    Yon ane
    Chip Soti nan:
    Hong Kong
    Metòd peman:
    Chemen chajman:
    Kategori Fanmi yo:
    KEY Composants Co., LTD se yon Distribitè Eleman Elektwonik ki ofri kategori pwodwi ki gen ladan: Flach, Zam chalè, Torch, Pwodwi pou Telefòn, Crimpers, Applicators, Presses, Egzagòn, Torx Keys, Pwodwi chimik, netwayan, Vis ak nwa Chofè - Bits, lam ak manch, Zouti ap bat and Fil Strippers ak Pwodwi pou Telefòn ...
    Avantaj konpetitif:
    We specialize in Apex Tool Group 27-840 electronic components. 27-840 can be shipped within 24 hours after order. If you have any demands for 27-840, Please submit a Request for Quotation here or send us an email:

    27-840 Atribi pwodwi yo

    Nimewo Pati : 27-840
    Manifakti : Apex Tool Group
    Deskripsyon : WR ANG OE 1-1/4 1560D
    Seri : -
    Estati Pati : Obsolete
    Kalite Zouti : Open End
    Fen - Size : 1-1/4"
    Karakteristik : Angled 15°, Angled 60°, Polished Chrome Finish
    Longè : 12.75" (323.9mm)

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