Intel - EVB-EN6360QA

KEY Part #: K7118225

EVB-EN6360QA Pricing (USD) [1354PC Stock]

  • 1 pcs$31.96770

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BOARD EVAL EP6360Q Q100 8A DC-DC. Power Management IC Development Tools Enpirion EVALUATION BOARD
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Hong Kong
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KEY Composants Co., LTD se yon Distribitè Eleman Elektwonik ki ofri kategori pwodwi ki gen ladan: Tablo Evalyasyon - Audio Anplifikatè, Adaptè pwogramasyon, Sockets, Lojisyèl, Sèvis, Tablo Evalyasyon - Embedded - MCU, DSP, Evalyasyon ak Demonstrasyon Boards ak Twous, Pwodwi pou Telefòn, Tablo Evalyasyon - Anp Op and Pwogramasyon, Emulation, ak Debuggers ...
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We specialize in Intel EVB-EN6360QA electronic components. EVB-EN6360QA can be shipped within 24 hours after order. If you have any demands for EVB-EN6360QA, Please submit a Request for Quotation here or send us an email:

EVB-EN6360QA Atribi pwodwi yo

Nimewo Pati : EVB-EN6360QA
Manifakti : Intel
Deskripsyon : BOARD EVAL EP6360Q Q100 8A DC-DC
Seri : Enpirion®
Estati Pati : Active
Main Objektif : DC/DC, Step Down
Rezilta ak Kalite : 1, Non-Isolated
Pouvwa - Sòti : -
Voltage - Sòti : -
Kouran - Sòti : 8A
Voltage - Antre : -
Topoloji regilatè : Buck
Frekans - oblije chanje : -
Kalite Komisyon Konsèy la : Fully Populated
Kontni an : Board(s)
Itilize IC / Pati : EP6360QA

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